are there any touch phones that open to a qwerty key pad like the lg voyager?

Rizzo asked:

i have been looking for a new phone...i like my tmobile service, but am willing to change services...i kind of like the lg voyager because its touch and opens to a key pad, are there any other phones that are the same way?

Caffeinated Content

7 Replies to “are there any touch phones that open to a qwerty key pad like the lg voyager?”

  1. Create a video blog…instantly.

    The Lg EnV for Verizon is the same kinda of flip keyboard thing.It is cheaper than the voyager.

    The new Lg Versa is coming out soon too, it has a keyboard that can connect if you want it too.

    Wait for the new Sidekick blade 2009 to come out. It’s going to be awesome.

  2. Caffeinated Content

    i also agree the g1 is a good phone but there is a g2 that will be coming out late this year. but it is a good phone and you can get a bunch of stuff for it. the only other phone that is better is the i phone

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