Are touch-screen cell phones really a good idea?

wizzzzahd asked:

I usually keep my cell phone in my pocket, so I'm afraid if I buy a touch-screen, the screen will be constantly activated or damaged by being inside my pocket all the time. Or, do these types of phones have key locks to prevent this from happening?

This is why I prefer the "clam-shell design" for cell phones.

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6 Replies to “Are touch-screen cell phones really a good idea?”

  1. touch phones

    There is a QWERTY keyboard built into these types of phones which “slides out” and allows you to type.

    So, to answer your question: there is no risk of the screen being pressed from being in your pocket.

  2. touch phones

    Most touch screen phones have a lock. it will lock the screen and require you to do something to unlock it. (for example, the iPhone makes you slide a little button across the screen to unlock it after hitting the top lock/unlock button. it sounds confusing, but it’s not. it’s quite simple, go to your local apple store and check it out)

    Also, from what I’ve noticed, LG touch screen phones aren’t as good as many other touchscreen phones. The LG ones aren’t as sensitive and the user interface isn’t all that great.

    If you’re going to go with a touchphone I would recommend an iPhone or an HTC phone. (HTC Touch Pro / HTC Fuze / HTC Touch / HTC Diamond, etc.)

    Note on other answers:
    “There is a QWERTY keyboard built into these types of phones which “slides out” and allows you to type.

    So, to answer your question: there is no risk of the screen being pressed from being in your pocket. ”

    Not all touch screen phones have a slide out keyboard.


    All phones have some sort of screen locking mechanism that makes the phones unable to be used when they are locked. Most are activated automatically when the phone goes into sleep mode.

    One thing I will mention that alot of people don’t think about is how much you will hate going to a touch screen phone if you are a texter. Anyone who text messages alot immediately misses not feeling the buttons click when they press on them, because you are pressing on a screen that gives no feedback when you have pressed the button or not.

    The iPhone is the one exception, as it has a different type of touch screen that although still doesnt click to respond to touch, is alot friendlier to press on than any of the resistive touchscreen phones on the market. Even the best HTC phones on teh market are resistive screens, unlike the iPhone’s capcitive screen.

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