Wirelessly charge iPhone, mobile devices with WILDCHARGE!

SlashGear asked:

http://www.iphonebuzz.com/wildcharge-adapter-for-iphone-and-ipod-touch-review-242399.php Click to read the full review! Live demo video of WILDCHARGE and iPhone! Introducing WILDCHARGE Wildcharger wireless charging of the iPhone and other mobile devices.

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25 Replies to “Wirelessly charge iPhone, mobile devices with WILDCHARGE!”

  1. Caffeinated Content

    Are you kidding me? this is revolutionary. In the future this could be used to transfer files between devices without any wires. you still think this is pointless?
    This is quite a good idea. btw, that last remark was not cool by anyy means.. pengo20007..

  2. Website content

    Pointless, over-solving of a problem that doenst really exist.
    Why buy a charge pad for $60 and a skin for $30?? u cud only use the ipod on speaker while its charging. there is no way this beats a normal wal charger since both require a socket.

    go bk to israel u twaat.

  3. Kansieo.com

    Just out of curiosity (I don’t know if the makers of this product watch the comments on this video, but regardless,) what would happen should, say, you drop your keys on this pad? Has it be made save to recognize the difference between it’s adapters (the ones embedded in the skins) and just standard metal? Because I do not that purchasing an item that could potentially be extremely dangerous is prudent. Thanks!

  4. Caffeinated Content – Members-Only Content for WordPress

    Even if you still need a wire, at least it frees you from needing several. If you use it for, say, half a dozen devices, it means you only have to keep one outlet tied up instead of six (or possibly USB ports), and only have to take one (admittedly bulky) charger anywhere you go.

    Oh, and if it ever takes off, you could charge away from home (at a friend’s place… maybe in public places, too?) regardless of the particular device you have.

  5. touch phones

    cool idea, if it was made into a table or a desk or something, and the “technology” was in the ipod/iphone/blackberry already, than it would be cool. you could just set your device on you table, walk away, and let it charge.

  6. Website content

    At the moment scientists have powered a 240v light bulb up wirelessly from a sensor in the wall. This principle of powering is pointless at the moment but i think its definatly the start of good things to come 😀

  7. Website content

    However, dare i say it, i think this technology at the moment is pretty damn pointless. 1) the pad still needs a wire 2) you have to buy a sensor so why not just buy a phone charger?

    If this catches on and cellphone companys buld the sensors into their phones then that would b good. However, what would be totally awesome is if they did this and the phone did not have to be on the pad, so it was like switch the phone on… aaah instant charging… everywhere you walk! haha. That would be fun

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